
Lia Beltrami

of hope

Filmmaker, author, producer, speaker. I deal with cinema, travel, human rights, inner paths.


A few highlights

• In 1997, I founded Religion Today Film Festival , the first film festival in the world on inter religious dialogue.

• In 2015 I curate the exhibition of the Holy See Pavilion at EXPO Milan 2015, which won the award for the best theme development.

• In 2017 I was the artistic director of the photo exhibition at EXPO Astana 2017

• I am representative of Religions for Peace at the FAO

• I started the Women of Faith for Peace experience and I am part of the Dialogue Commission of the Ordo Fratrum Minorum (Franciscan Friars)

• I am the CEO of Aurora Vision

• I am advisor for the Dhaka Film Festival in Bangladesh, board member of the Benin City Film Festival and honor member of the House of Wisdom in Grenada, Spain.

• I am married to Alberto Beltrami, singer, composer and adventure companion, and we have two wonderful daughters.

• I am art director of Emotions to Generate Change

"I was born in the mountains, in the Dolomites. I was 7 years old when I crossed the Sahara for the first time with my family and a Westphalia. Since then, I have had the desire to get to know people from all over the world, to create new ties, collaborations and projects to improve people's lives. A degree in Modern Languages was a must, and then I moved to the world of cinema. I have directed more than 50 documentaries around the world, receiving over 100 awards. I am art director of photo exhibitions that arouse emotions to generate change.
Lia Beltrami

What I do today, in Italy and in the world

I make films, documentaries, commercials and video content for the web, even with integrated communication projects with my production company AURORA VISION.

I follow the entire process from conception to the final layout. I propose films to international festivals (440 selections in the last 5 years) and I accompany them to theaters.

I organize international events, conferences and debates. I follow the artistic direction of photographic exhibitions. I write books and articles.

I hold training and coaching meetings for individuals and groups on sustainable lifestyles, cinema, dialogue and the spiritual path, the enhancement of women and human rights.

I deal with integrated communication and lead customized campaigns for social changes such as COMPLEXion.

My passions, at a glance

I deal with:

  • Cinema and art12
  • Film Festivals7
  • Human rights15
  • Inner paths24
  • Our films22
  • Picnic11
  • Sport & Outdoor13
  • Travel22
  • Women of Faith for Peace8