I am writing a letter to you, Star seekers. I am writing a small message, a few words to light your inner fire, to be read on New Year’s Eve. Perhaps the cold of these difficoult years has dampened the ardour, the desire to leave, the curiosity to search. We must not succumb. It is time to set out again, that is my wish for the new year.

We were free, free to travel, free to cross many borders, then suddenly the bans and closures, the cancelled flights, the difficulties, the walls began. Amidst all this, friends left too early, others let their guard down, others stopped. But the limit could also become an opportunity to open up new spaces, to travel unexplored paths, to discover freedom within ourselves.
Rediscover the path to freedom. In fact, discover a new one that will lead you towards infinity. It is the way of the soul, the most difficult one. My wish for the new year is to find the taste for freedom.
Leave behind the cages of prejudice, of dependence on the opinion of others, of measuring yourself against absurd projections of yourself. Shun the manipulators, those who seek to possess you. Be free.
Star seekers wake up when it is still dark to contemplate the morning star. Then they plunge in ecstasy into the aurora.
Star seekers walk in the desert. They do not need to fill themselves with useless words, with neon, with false illusions. Star seekers go into the desert to free themselves from all burdens, to let the sand temper them in the wind. In the desert the stars are best seen, in the desert even the most precious stars are found.
Let the scent of the desert invade your being, listen to its call and prepare to leave. May the new year be the year of the desert, of the wind, even of fatigue if necessary, of ardour.

On the road
And when you are on your way, feel the sand under your feet, live the sacredness of the earth, to be loved, respected and preserved. At the same time, keep your eyes on the sky, like true star seekers. You will find what you are looking for.
The journey of the star seekers makes you rich, fills you with lights, colours, scents. No encounter is useless. Every encounter can be a source of life. That is why I wish you bon voyage, so that you will always be richer.

Happy New Year, in the letter for star seekers
On the path of the new year, I hope to meet you, star seekers, to meet your gaze at the crossroads of the world, to share a coffee or tea or a good glass of wine. We will recognise each other, don’t worry.
We will be tired and dusty, after such a long way, we will immerse ourselves in the regenerating spring and go together to watch the sunset in silence. Then we will share the traveller’s food, happy to sit around the fire and tell and listen to the emotions of the journey. Happy New Year, star seekers, happy trails, happy freedom.